Landlord Quick Tip #281
Tip# 281: Now, What Was I Doing?
If you spend most days putting out fires or often feel like you’re forgetting something, rest assured you are in good company.
Property management requires a higher degree of organization than most jobs, because landlords are so susceptible to random interruptions and unexpected detours throughout the work day.
That’s why it is so important to develop good time management habits. There’s one simple trick that can bring order to chaos: keep a to-do list.
Time management experts suggest:
1. Update the to-do list daily. Write in tomorrow’s entries today. Use enough detail that you’ll remember what’s required to complete the task. That’s the secret — the more you write, the more likely you will remember to do that job.
2. Each time you enter a new item on the list, give it a priority. Use letters, numbers, symbols — anything that will direct you on what to do next. Prioritizing the list is a critical step.
3. Every time you get interrupted, take enough time to enter the new item on your list, and prioritize that task. Then, decide whether to handle it now or stick with another priority. Keep referring back to the list each time you get off a phone call, send an email, run an errand, etc., so you train yourself to follow the priorities.
And, don’t forget to marvel at your completed items — just look at what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it!
See last week’s Landlord Quick Tip.
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