by Meredith Martin
Feng Shui often gets a bad rap among conservatives, mostly in my opinion, for good reason.
The little chimes and Ba-Gua’s most people use are nothing more than superstition, although the information they attempt to mimic is rooted in science that has been studied….well, for a long long time.
Why did I start to pay attention to Feng Shui?
Because as a real estate agent, I noticed, after a while, that certain properties seemed to go on the market every year or two, repeatedly.
To me that was an indication that
for whatever reason, it was impossible for the occupants to get comfortable and settle in.
Even within the same condo complex,
certain units will constantly change hands while others stay settled – and that is true even for units with identical floor plans and finishes. Unit 1 will change hands 3 times in a five or seven year period, while Unit 2 (same floor plan flipped) stays put for years.
I have a confession: I have not yet had my home ‘Feng Shui’d’ if you will. The reason is simple. A Feng Shui master is expensive and VERY hard to come by which is why the true masters end up working for the high end homes and corporate clients.
If you are interested in learning a little more my favorite web site is maintained by an architect friend of mine, Simona Mainini, located in LA county. For most people flying her up to consult on their home will be too cost prohibitive, but her newsletter is free and full of interesting facts and information. Visit
For those who are just curious, like myself…
Meredeth Martin is a Senior Real Estate Advisor for the Paragon Real Estate Group in San Francisco. She can be reached 415.738.7067 direct or via her web site: