AAOA Launches Co-Applicant Feature
Have you ever had a husband and wife apply for your rental? Or perhaps two or three friends? With AAOA you used to have to place a separate order for each individual, but now we’ve made the process simpler. Just enter in one applicant’s details and click “Add Co-Applicants” to add a second, third, or fourth applicant. By placing two or more people in one order, you’ll pay for all the reports at one time, saving you the time of having to enter your credit card multiple times. Note, the price per tenant screening report will remain the same regardless of whether you use the co-applicant feature or not.
When you view your report history, you’ll see the co-applicants will be grouped together, making it easier to keep track of which applicants are applying for the rental together. By clicking on the report, you can easily switch back and forth between the co-applicants so it’s easier to compare and contrast information.
Also keep in mind if you are ordering two or more reports it’s probably worth upgrading to an annual membership. Paid members get up to two free tenant screening reports and up to $10 off any subsequent reports. The membership pays for itself! Click here to login and upgrade.
This new feature is one of many coming in the near future. Our mission is to make the tenant screening process as easy as possible for you. If there is a particular feature you’d like to see added, email us at [email protected] to let us know what we can do to help you. We welcome any suggestions you might have!