Ordinance to Limit Online Rent Payments
Landlords and property managers in Los Angeles who have adopted online rent payment procedures soon will be required to offer an alternative method of payment. Last week, LA City Council voted to adopt a measure that:
Directs the City Attorney to draft an ordinance that requires all landlords and property managers in the city to provide an alternative means of paying rent and any associated rental fees if they adopt an online rent payment system, and
Allows the means by which the Los Angeles Housing Department can take enforcement action against landlords or property managers who fail to provide an alternative method that tenants may use to pay rent.
The measure came after protests levied by tenants who claim that online payments discriminate against seniors and low income renters, who they say often do not have access to the Internet.
Presumably, these tenants would be allowed to pay by mail, or by delivering the rent to the landlord or leasing office. Landlords and property managers may have to revise their lease agreements to reflect these changes once the law is passed.
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